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  • Christian Book Printing: Publishing a Great Book

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    Books - Perfect Bound, Self-publishing

    Christian book printing has become popular in book best sellers, and more than one Christian book has climbed to the top of the bestseller lists. If you are interested in Christian book printing, you will find readers who share your faith and are eager to find a writer with a new perspective.

    What Do We Mean by Christian Book Printing?

    There are several types of titles that fall under the banner of Christian book printing. They include books about spirituality and religion, nonfiction books, and fiction books with a Christian theme. There are also Christian children’s books. Also called faith-based, these books reach a wide audience. Some are published by publishers who specialize in Christian writers, and others are published by major commercial publishers.

    Christian Book Printing Bestsellers

    C.S. Lewis is one of the best-known Christian writers. The Problem of Pain, The Screwtape Letters, and others are considered classics of faith-based writing. His Chronicles of Narnia book series tells the story of Christ through the allegory of the enchanted land of Narnia. A bestseller since its publication, the series has been made into many movie and TV versions.

    Max Lucado is a bestselling religious writer. A pastor and teaching minister at a church in San Antonio, Texas, Lucado has authored the books God Never Gives Up on You, When God Whispers Your Name, and many others. His book The Christmas Candle was made into a movie.

    Karen Kingsbury writes popular fiction that has a faith-based grounding. Her books include Divine, Thicker Than Blood, and When We Were Young. Her book Someone Like You has been made into a movie.

    Types of Faith-Based Christian Book Printing

    When you say “Christian book,” what kind of book do you mean? There are many options.

    • Religious self-help: For those struggling to connect with their faith, these books provide self-help in the form of helpful guides.
    • Faith-based fiction: In these novels, the characters use their religious beliefs to navigate life and confront its challenges. The level of religiousness can vary from subtle to pronounced.
    • Guides to spirituality: These books help people get closer to God and express their beliefs through daily actions. Some are aimed specifically at Christian women, others at men or families.
    • Guided prayer or meditation: Offer a guide to daily prayer that helps readers who want a mindful approach to connecting with their faith.
    • Art book: Beautiful pictures that inspire an awareness of the world’s beauty are always welcome. A Christian approach will give your Christian book printing a theme that unifies these pictures.
    • Christian romance: Also known as clean romances, these stories don’t have the explicit scenes common to mainstream romance novels. They feature characters who rely on their religion to help them make decisions about life and love.

    Christian Book Printing for All Genres

    Besides looking at genres, you may also want to think about the type of writing you prefer. As a writer, you can choose from many different formats and styles, including:

    • Essays
    • Short stories
    • Photographs
    • Poetry
    • Biography
    • Memoir
    • How-To
    • Self-Help
    • Comic book
    • Coloring book

    As you can see, the field of Christian book printing is wide open to all genres and all types of books. If you want to write and publish your own Christian book printing, there is enough variety to fit every writer.

    Find Your Ideal Reader for Christian Book Printing

    To find success as a writer, it’s important to find a niche. Publishers and buyers want to know exactly what they’re getting when they pick up a title. This will help you, too, because it will avoid distractions when you’re planning your book for Christian book printing. Ask yourself who your ideal reader is.

    Find your ideal reader for Christian book printing. For example, let’s say you’ve decided to write a book for Christian women. Is it a prayer guide, or a collection of essays? A book in this topic might be aimed at older women who are facing struggles with aging and an empty nest, or it might be targeted at young women just starting out with a family. If your book is fiction, is it a mystery, a romance, or a combination of both? Decide who your ideal reader is, and write for them.

    Pick the emotional response you want. Books can stir up many feelings. In yours, do you want people to feel calm and free from stress? Do you want them to laugh at your humorous takes on life’s struggles? Do you want them to feel empowered to make real changes in their lives? All these responses are valid. Choose the emotional response you want to evoke, and focus on it when writing your book.

    Use your faith. Authoring a Christian book is a wonderful way to reach others and share the gift of faith. Your experiences can guide you as you write. Describe the way you came to your faith, your moments of doubt, the struggles you’ve faced and other experiences that bring you closer to your readers.

    Christian Book Printing for Children

    Do you want to write a children’s book? Children’s literature is open to any author, but it requires a strong understanding of the way children read and the stories they want to hear. Here are some tips to writing for children.

    Choose your age group. Children’s books are divided by the age ranges of their readers. The language and stories that are right for a three-year-old aren’t the same for a 10-year old. Knowing your audience, and knowing what appeals to them, are the keys to successfully writing for children.

    Artwork is everything. In a children’s book, the artwork is the main selling point. You must have beautiful images, an attractive layout, and a great-looking cover. Your production costs will be higher with a children’s book because this is a genre where the quality standards are extremely high.

    The message matters.  What is the moral message you want to share through your book? You can find stories from the Bible, from history, or from your own experiences that carry that message. Don’t be heavy-handed, however, as you don’t want your book to come across as a lecture. Focus on creating a fun, lighthearted read.

    Steps to Writing a Christian Book

    Once you know what genre and type of book you want to write, it’s time to get down to the practicalities of writing a book.

    Set a writing schedule

    Writing a book depends on your ability to focus on it for several hours a day. Set a daily goal of time or word count. Most first-time writers find that 500 words a day is reasonable, and some can produce 1,000 words a day without difficulty. Find the pace that works for you.

    Create an outline

    An outline is necessary for any fiction or nonfiction book. You should know what order you want to tell your story, where you want specific chapters, and where you want to place key events. Don’t think of an outline as limiting. With a thorough, detailed outline, you never have to worry about what you’re going to write next. It is a helpful guide that reduces distraction and keeps you on track.

    Start writing

    When you start, start at the beginning. Some authors like to jump into certain scenes or events that occur later in the book, but this can lead to confusion. Most writers find it makes more sense to start at the logical place—the beginning—and follow your outline to the end.

    As with any rule, there’s an exception: You can save the introduction for later, if you have one. Most people struggle with this, so don’t let that keep you from starting your book.

    Decide if you want to self-publish

    There are many advantages to self publishing Christian book. While there are publishers who specialize in Christian authors, it is a competitive field, and you may go through several rounds of rejection. Publishing it yourself gives you full artistic control and the ability to market the book on your own terms. It’s also faster because you don’t have to wait around for a book agent or publisher to accept your manuscript.

    On the other hand, self publishing Christian book—or any book—will cost money. You must pay for the design, printing, production, and marketing yourself. If you’re committed to seeing your book in print, however, it may be the best approach.

    Share Your Faith with Christian Book Printing

    As a Christian writer, you have a message of faith that you want to share. Self publishing Christian book is an excellent way to share that faith. It’s also a fun, creative process that will challenge you and teach you new skills. If you’re a first-time writer who wants to be in print, Dazzle Printing can help. We offer fast service, affordable rates, and personalized customer service.


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