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  • Hobby Magazines: How to Create a Stellar Printed Magazine

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    Are you interested in printing hobby magazines? The experience of reading a beautiful print magazine is one many people look forward to, especially when the content is not something that can be easily found elsewhere. For some niche hobby enthusiasts, well-designed and informative hobby magazines just doesn’t exist, so diving into the world of hobby magazines is the logical solution.

    If you are considering creating a hobby magazine that you and others who share your interest will want to read, take a look at our guide to teach you the steps to print hobby magazines so you can turn your ideas about a beloved pastime into a gorgeous print magazine that other enthusiasts will look forward to reading.

    Hobby Magazines — Follow Your Passion

    Printing hobby magazines simply because there may be a market for it can result in a good publication, but creators who are passionate about a hobby make the best magazine developers because their heart is part of every step of the process. Choosing a hobby magazine focus you already have a passion for will make connecting with other enthusiasts easier since you are one, too.

    And picking compelling, relevant content will be much less challenging when you already have a working knowledge of the hobby itself. While passion for the hobby is not a requirement, a magazine creator excited about the hobby will have an easier time sourcing meaningful content and may find it easier to appeal to hobbyists with the same interests.

    Do Your Research for Hobby Magazines

    The next step in creating hobby magazines is to do your research to uncover the existing hobby-related content. First, carefully evaluate other publications that focus on the hobby you plan to write about as well as other closely related hobbies. Look at the type of publication, how often it is published, what types of content are included, and who the likely target audience would be.

    Print magazines are a great starting point, but don’t forget to look at digital sources as well. Next, consider the market demand for content around this hobby. Are any current hobby magazines thriving? Is there room in the marketplace for another publication? By checking out who is buying ad space, it will become clear if any big businesses or industry leaders back current publications, providing excellent context about the market for your upcoming hobby magazines.

    Understanding the market will help you choose the right direction for your magazine so you can find the right readers to enjoy your content.

    Clarify Your Magazine’s Niche

    Before you finalize your hobby publication’s design, consider if you need to narrow down the niche your publication will target. Your research should have shed light on how crowded the market is and whether or not a shift in the niche of your hobby magazines will appeal to a greater potential readership. Use pointed questions to help you finalize your magazine’s focus.

    • Will the magazine appeal to the broadest scope of the hobby or will it focus on a narrower niche or subset of the hobby?
    • Should your magazine appeal to the professional side of the hobby, the amateur side or both?
    • What is the purpose of the magazine? Is it to increase hobby awareness, create learning opportunities for hobbyists, connect hobbyists to each other, or some other purpose?
    • Should your magazine focus on local hobbyists, have a state or national reach, or should your magazine’s target appeal be on an even larger scale?
    • Will you focus on local or amateur content or will your magazine aim to work with nationally known or recognized contributors?

    Partner with Professionals for Hobby Magazines

    The next step in hobby magazine printing is to gather the team that will help you put together a magazine that looks professionally crafted. Some magazine creators are skilled in one or more areas necessary for producing a magazine, while others simply partner with experts who can bring their dream to life with the necessary skills to design, develop, and print hobby magazines.

    • Content Experts: These hobby experts are a great resource to line up early on in the development process. Many hobby magazines ask experts to pen guest columns on specific topics that would be appealing to readers, and expert interviews or “Q&A with a Pro” columns are an excellent way to integrate knowledgeable industry insights into a magazine.
    • Graphic Designers: These are usually top of the list of professionals that a magazine creator should partner with since the way the magazine appears to readers is critical to its success. A design partnership is key to developing memorable branding for the magazine, creating stylistic elements that will appeal to the target audience, crafting the magazine’s layout, and ensuring a consistent aesthetic throughout the publication.
    • Magazine Editors: This expert brings the content together by utilizing a magazine editing style, and they have an eye for what works with print publications. A magazine editor will also review all content for correctness, make sure the voice of the content matches the magazine’s style, and also look at the big picture of what is included in each issue.
    • Photographers: Magazines are visual products, so working with a professional photographer to bring gorgeous pictures to the pages of your hobby magazine is an important part of creating a memorable publication. Sourcing photography from freelance photographers on sites like Fiverr or Upwork can be a good resource for new magazines, while some magazines might even solicit amateur photographs from readers to include in upcoming issues.
    • Printer: Working with a trusted printer can take the pressure off of magazine creators. An experienced printer like Dazzle Printing can provide quick, reliable service to turn around magazine printing in just a few days so editors don’t have to sweat tight deadlines. And printers who utilize offset printing methods can print hobby magazines in smaller batches, perfect for pacing sales and a growing fan base.
    • Sales and Marketing Professionals: Many magazine developers establish a sales or marketing team to help get the publication into the hands of excited hobbyists.
    • Writers: Whether the magazine creator is an experienced writer, ready to pen interesting articles for the magazine right away, or writers are sourced from freelance writers on sites like Textbroker, planning for consistent contributions to the content of the magazine can make or break a magazine with a narrow focus for eager readers. Experts in the field can be tapped for guest columns while industry leaders are an excellent resource for content in every issue.

    Strategize Your Content for Hobby Magazines

    Keeping on top of content creation for each issue is a big job, so magazine creators need to plan ahead so each issue of their print hobby magazine will thrill readers and build the audience’s excitement.

    1 Use a content calendar to track what is planned for each issue. This will make recurring columns easier to plan as well as ensure that content topics vary without being repetitive.

    2 Setting up a fact-checking plan from the start is the best way to make sure that only authentic information makes its way to the pages of your magazine.

    3 Each piece under consideration for publication in an issue of your print hobby magazine should be reviewed for relevance and judged on how interesting or helpful it is for the targeted reader.

    4 The magazine editor should be equipped with a set of style guidelines that each issue will follow so readers can have a consistent experience each time they pick up your print hobby magazine.

    Develop a Marketing Plan for Hobby Magazines

    Once your magazine is under development, it’s time to think about how you are going to get it into the hands of potential readers. One way to introduce the new publication to the target audience is to send out free first copies or include an issue as a giveaway at a conference or convention for hobbyists.

    Creators can partner with industry influencers to bring awareness to the new publication as well as talk up the magazine on social media platforms. Some print magazine creators develop a website dedicated to promoting the magazine where readers can read behind-the-scenes content, learn more about the hobby, view unpublished photos as well as buy magazines or subscriptions.

    Monetization, Sales, and Distribution Channels for Hobby Magazines

    One of the biggest revenue streams from print magazines is ad sales. Contact potential ad partners that your target audience would like or businesses that coordinate with your hobby to sell ad space in current or upcoming issues.

    Set up sales opportunities by contacting retailers or related hobby stores to gauge interest in selling your magazine on consignment. Put a sale link on your website and use social media to direct readers and hobbyists to the site or physical locations where they can find your magazine.

    And don’t forget to attend in-person events like trade shows and conventions where your target reader is already in attendance to let hobbyists know about your new magazine, sell subscriptions, or even hand out free copies to build your fan base.

    Bringing Your Dream to Life

    When a hobby turns into a passion, the natural next step is to join together with others who love the same activity. Creating a print hobby magazine is a great way to share your love for your hobby and bring together other hobbyists on the glossy pages of your publication.


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