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  • Key Elements of an Effective Postcard Design

    Key Elements Of An Effective Postcard Design icon
    Postcards, Design Ideas

    Postcard marketing has been around for a very long time. Even with the rise of digital advertising like social media campaigns, it is still being adopted by businesses today, so it is important to use effective postcard design. This is due to the unique benefits associated with postcard marketing, such as it being a tangible piece that your audience can connect to.

    Postcards are also an affordable and convenient option, making them a perfect choice for businesses that want to establish their brand presence. To do so, it is paramount that you adopt an effective postcard design that makes it stand out from the others. Read on to find out what are some of the key elements of designing an effective and successful postcard.

    Effective Postcard DesignMaking Use of Visuals and Graphics

    Considering that the attention span of your audience may be very short, remember that most people will have little interest in reading a postcard that is filled with nothing but words. If you’re attempting to sell a product or service, it is critical that you add in visual elements like pictures and illustrations.

    This will allow your audience the opportunity to better visualize your product or services. As the saying goes, “a picture paints a thousand words”. Visuals are a key factor in enticing a reader to find out more information, which translates to a higher success rate in having them perform the desired call-to-action.

    Be Direct

    Considering the size of a postcard, don’t expect people to set aside much time to read it word for word, probably not more than a minute of their time. As such, it is important that you don’t beat around the bush when it comes to the contents of your postcards. Instead, be direct, use the right words to grab their attention. Showcase the benefits your audience stands to gain by using your products or services.

    marketing postcards

    Attracting Attention

    As much as possible, your effective postcard design should stand out from others and make readers curious to find out more about its contents. One way you can do this is through the use of creative headlines.

    Do take note to make sure that the font size and color of your headlines are unique, so that readers know what they should pay attention to when reading your postcard. Be sure that the overall color scheme of your postcard design isn’t too dull. The use of vibrant colors is recommended to draw the attention of your readers.

    Effective Postcard DesignCall-To-Action

    The desired call-to-action must be clear, concise, and convenient for readers. In today’s landscape, you can be sure that most of your postcard’s audience are going to have a mobile device with them.

    As such, you may want to make use of this opportunity to include QR codes so readers can easily find out more. In addition, you may also choose to embed discount coupons to further entice readers. This way, you would also be able to track and measure your effective postcard design marketing campaign.


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