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  • Editing and Creating Short Story Books

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    Booklets, Books - Perfect Bound, Self-publishing

    Have you ever sought to create your own unique short stories and get into short story publishing? Self-published short story work among other kinds is becoming a trendy, indie pastime for many artists and writers; one look in a local coffee shop may quickly reveal how important these self-published short stories are in today’s society.

    Those who are interested in self-publishing their own short stories or other indie works may feel overwhelmed at the prospect of beginning the printing process. If you find yourself in the same boat, then you may have come to the right place. We enjoy helping young and old artists alike achieve their dreams. Take a look at the information below for a short overview of the book printing or short story publishing, editing and creating process.

    short stories

    Step One: Revise and Edit Your Short Story

    Before sending your completed document to a reputable printing company, you first need to make sure that your document has been revised, revised, and revised again. The most important piece of information short story writers can hang on to concerning revision is simple: if you think you have revised enough, revise some more.

    Make sure that you spend a little time between revising sessions so that you can clear your head and approach the manuscript afresh. Editing is a natural offshoot of revising and an important part of short story writing. The more you read over your documents, the more errors you will be able to find and fix. For more tips on how to edit your short story, check out this article on WikiHow.

    Step Two: Contact a Reputable Printing Company (That’s Us!)

    The next step involves contacting a customer representative at a reputable book or brochure printing company. We are trained to help individuals just like you achieve the exact printing job they need. We encourage our customers to share their unique and specific desires concerning the printing job at hand so that we can cater to those desires.

    When it comes to short story publishing, we enjoy providing our customers with a unique and satisfying experience. Step two is easy; all you have to do is share what is on your mind about self-publishing short stories.

    Step Three: Start Printing Your Short Story

    After setting up payment and agreeing on project specifics, it is time to give your printing company the “green light,” so to speak. It is time to start short story publishing! Make sure that you give the company you choose adequate time to print the number of copies you desire.

    Even the fastest printing companies may need some time to evaluate, process, and print large projects. Share your deadline with the printer so that he or she understands your ideal timeline.

    Step Four: Be Happy

    You did it! Your short story writing is printed and ready to be distributed throughout your community. Give them to friends and family, put them in local coffee shops, and stick them in your neighbor’s yard.

    Do whatever you want to do with them; you have successfully printed off your very own self-published short stories. Give yourself a pat on the back.

    For more information on how Dazzle Printing can help you with your short story publishing, please check out our book printing page.

    my short story


2 Responses to Editing and Creating Short Story Books

  1. Hi! I recently wrote a short story for a friend who is going through a rough time. I thought it would cheer her up to read it like an actual book. I have the story ready, I am just looking for printing, binding, covering, and personalization. Is this something you could help me with?
    Happy Holidays,

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